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Yale University
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Yale Young Global Scholars/Yale Young African Scholars
(CURRENT) Alumni: Share Your Story
Calling all alumni! Have you started a project or club? Accepted an internship position? Interested in sharing a general update? If so, please complete this form so we can share your story. We feature alumni stories on social media and our monthly alumni newsletter.
1) Contact Details
Email Address
First Name
Last Name
(Place of Citizenship)
Session & Year
(Example: PLE 2017, SGC 2022, Beijing 2015, etc)
2) Story Details
Explain what motivated you to pursue this initiative, how you came up with the idea, who you are working with,
when the initiative launched, etc. The more details, the better!
Provide Photos
(Optional but encouraged)
- Upload photos to Googledrive or Dropbox and paste link below
- Please provide the highest quality photos you can. :-)
Website/Social Media
- Provide URL of website or social media (if applicable)